Character Classes A PC may choose from eight possible character classes. However, some classes are not available to certain races. The table below shows which classes are available to the various races. Race/Class Possibilities Drow Half Half Class Human Elf Elf Elf Orc Orc Dwarf Gnome Halfling Fighter • • • • • • • • • Monk • • • • Paladin • • • • • • Ranger • • • • • • • Thief • • • • • • • • • Magic User • • • • • • Cleric • • • • • • • Enchanter • • • • • • Fighter Excels in the art of combat. They are second to none when it comes to physical combat with weapons. Often the packhorse of the party, they must carry an excessive load. Strength allows them to wield a weapon in combat with a greater chance of success to do more damage. Dexterity allows them to dodge attacks. Constitution is important because they are front line troops and often subject to hostile conditions that require great stamina. Armor or Weapons - may use any type with very few exceptions. Attacks Per Round - will increase at higher levels. (See the "Attacks Per Round" chart in the appendix.) Chance On Any Successful Attack to Cause a CRITICAL HIT - 5% at all levels. (A critical hit doubles the damage for that attack.) Ranger Special class of fighter. Skilled woodsmen, they can track and scout with more proficiency than any other class. Armor or Weapons - Excel in the use of the bow. Rangers receive a Missile Adjustment of +15% to reflect their great skill at archery. Attacks Per Round - will increase at higher levels. (See the "Attacks Per Round" chart in the appendix.) Chance On Any Successful Attack to Cause a CRITICAL HIT - 3% at all levels. (A critical hit doubles the damage for that attack.) Paladin Special class of fighter. Holy warriors. Must be Lawful in nature and follow a strict code by which they will not deviate. They are permanently surrounded by an aura of Protection From Evil. Armor or Weapons - may use type of armor or weapon, except missile weapons. Attacks Per Round - will increase at higher levels. (See the "Attacks Per Round" chart in the appendix.) Chance On Any Successful Attack to Cause a CRITICAL HIT - 3% at all levels. (A critical hit doubles the damage for that attack.) Ability to turn undead, demons, daemons and devils as a cleric starting at the 4th level of ability. Ability to cast clerical spells when they reach the 7th level of ability. Monk Astute in the use of the body as a weapon. Knowledgeable of all aspects of the body - both mental and physical. Capable of some thieving abilities such as Disarm Trap, Pick Lock and Pick Pocket - very modest in skill when compared to a true thief. Armor or Weapons -Can use only certain weapons. May wear only a few types of armor protection. May also use their bare hands as effective tools of combat. At high levels, can do MASSIVE damage using nothing but hands and feet. Always seek an inner peace. Have an additional 10% resistance to mental attacks. Attacks Per Round - will increase at higher levels. (See the "Attacks Per Round" chart in the appendix.) Chance On Any Successful Attack to Cause a CRITICAL HIT - 2% plus 1% per experience level. (A critical hit doubles the damage for that attack.) Abilities Acquired at Higher Skill Levels: 5th Level - Perminant protection from mental-based spells. Takes 1/2 damage. 10th Level - Perminant protection from chemical-based spells. Takes 1/2 damage. 15th Level - Begins to regenerate one point of stamina per melee round. Hand-to-Hand Damage - Ranges at 2X ability level plus 2 points. Examples: 10th level monk could do 1 to 20 points + 2. Capable Range of Damage = 3 to 23 pts. 15th level monk could do 1 to 30 points + 2. Capable Range of Damage = 3 to 32 pts. Thief Thieving is considered an honorable profession in the world of Realmz, or at least one that is tolerated. This is due mainly to the existence of the Thieves Guild - a powerful organization that allows thieves some protection and honor. Thieves are actively sought out to engage in various activities best left to professionals. Capable of many tasks that no other character class can perform, they can Disarm Traps, Pick Locks, Pick Pockets, and Backstab. Principal Attribute - reading of languages to decipher old maps and instructions. Includes deciphering magical writing on scrolls. At higher levels they may use magic-user scrolls. They start out at -15% chance of success and gain 1 to 8 % per level of ability. They are only capable of reading magic-user scrolls, not clerical or enchanter scrolls. (Clerical and some enchanter scrolls derive their power from a deity that would ignore the babbling of a loathsome thief.) Not avid fighters. Armor or Weapons - May use only robes, padded, leather or chain armor. Use only one-handed weapons, with the exception of bows. Capable of BACKSTAB - (1% + 1% per experience level). A weapon technique, difficult to learn, but deadly when mastered. If successfully executed, damage inflicted will be three times normal. Magic-User Use the arcane powers of magic to weave spells of a destructive nature. Most magic user spells are offensive, rather than defensive in nature. Armor or Weapons - may use only three weapons in combat: the dagger, the staff, and the dart. They are not capable of wearing any armor that would hinder their movement. Fluid motion of the hands and arms is a must for spell casting. Their skills in combat with arms is dwarfed by almost any other class save enchanters. Front line troops they are not. Cleric Skilled both in the arts of war and the cloth. Unlike paladins, they generally concentrate a greater amount of their time in the weaving of magic, which is derived from the devotion to their deity. Therefore they are much more effective as a magical force in the party but are not as adept at physical combat as a paladin. Because they channel the will of their deity, they do not need to learn spells. (This differs from magic users who must take the time to learn.) Capable of casting any spell up to a given Spell Level. (See "Spells Known" chart in appendix.) Capable of Turning (Thus destroying or changing the alliance of) Undead and lesser Demons, Daemons and Devils. Armor or Weapons - can wear any type of armor, but only blunt weapons. Enchanter A special class, often solitary and mysterious. Love to talk in riddles and guide a conversation rather than hold it. Draw on arcane magic as well as weaving magic from deities. Thus, they have some of the benefits and shortfalls of both magic-users and clerics. Must learn spells as magic-users do but have a better selection of armor and weapons. Armor or Weapons - have a larger selection of weapons and armor to choose from than magic-users but are still very limited when compared to most classes. Minimum Attributes by Class * All other bonuses or penalties apply after these minimums. Class Strength Intelligence Wisdom Dexterity Constitution Karma Fighter 9 — 6 6 7 6 Monk 15 6 15 15 11 6 Paladin 12 9 13 6 9 17 Ranger 13 13 14 6 14 6 Thief 6 6 _ 9 _ _ Magic User _ 9 6 6 _ 6 Cleric 6 6 9 _ _ 6 Enchanter _ 9 6 6 _ 6 Stamina Table Class Initial Per Level *Max Bonus Fighter 1 - 10 1 - 10 Unlimited Paladin 1 - 10 1 - 10 Unlimited Ranger 2 - 16 1 - 8 Unlimited Monk 2 - 8 1 - 4 3 Thief 1 - 6 1 - 6 3 Magic User 1 - 4 1 - 4 2 Cleric 1 - 8 1 - 8 3 Enchanter 1 - 6 1 - 6 2 * PCs receive one point of stamina for each point of constitution over 15 in addition to that shown above. Example: PCs with a 16 constitution receive +1 stamina per level. PCs with a 17 constitution receive +2 stamina per level, etc... Character Gender Whether a PC is male or female will affect the following attributes: Males: +1 to Strength, -1 to Dexterity Females: -1 to Strength, +1 to Dexterity Character Races The world of Realmz is a world populated by all manners of beasts. Most are in constant conflict with races of other sorts, while some actually live in close quarters with little ill feelings towards each other. As you adventure in the world of Realmz, you will meet many fascinating and often hostile races. Your PCs may be any of nine different races. Each race has their own strong and weak points. Humans: Humans are by far the most populous of all races on the material plane. This is due mainly to their incredible ability to adapt to almost any condition and accomplish great feats by sheer determination. Many races scoff at the achievements of humans in public, but few races can contest the success of the human race to inhabit almost every niche of the known world. Humans major weakness is their short life span. Their major strength is their short life span. While longer-living races feel that 70-100 years is far too short to accomplish anything of great value, it is for that very reason that humans strive so hard to rise to the top. Most fail, but by sheer weight of numbers many great deeds are done. Typical Human: Height - 6 feet, 180 pounds Movement - 12 Life Span - 70 to 100 years No Attribute Adjustment No Special Abilities Elves: Elves are the eldest of all known mortal races. With a life span that can exceed 2000 years, they are considered all but immortal by many shorter-living races. Elves are slight of build and none too sturdy, but they are very quick of mind and body. Most elves are agreeable people but tend to shun the more brutish of races. The elves' major downfall is their hatred for change. They live such long lives that they fail to see the urgency in many situations until it is too late. They wish no ill will on the goodly races but are disgusted by the fast pace and wasteful ways of many races. Typical Elf: Height - 5 1/2 feet, 120 pounds Movement - 13 Life Span - 1500 - 2000 years +1 to Dexterity, +1 to Karma -1 to Strength, -1 to Constitution +3% Magic Resistance +5% With Missile Weapons -5% With Two-handed Weapons Drow Elves: The drow are distant cousins to the more common surface elves. Cunning and ruthless, the drow are one of the most feared of all races. They hail from the underdark, a cruel and vicious subterranean world. Those that break the code are cast out to fend for themselves. As sly and deadly as they are, the underdark is no place for a solitary creature of any race. Most outcasts perish quickly, but a rare few find their way to the surface. One would think that their reputation as stoic killers would bind their fate to the gallows but in fact it lends them some protection. Many rich merchants see the value in a bodyguard whose mere presence will ward away many would-be bandits. Due to the savage life of the underdark, most drow never live to die a natural death. Because of assassinations and their hatred for the weak and frail, few members of their sick society die of old age. Typical Drow Elf: Height: 5 feet, 110 pounds Movement 13 Life span 750 - 1000 years. (If their society lets them live that long) +1 to Dexterity -2 to Karma +3% Magic Resistance Dwarves: Surpassed in life span only by the elves and gnomes, dwarves live to be 750 - 850 years of age. Dwarves are sturdy folk that grow no taller than four feet tall. They have an innate hatred for magic and have a strong resistance to magic for that reason. Many races laugh at the oddity of the dwarven body for both males and females grow long beards. Dwarves are populous throughout the world and though less numerous are second only to humans in number. Even though the races of Humans and Dwarfs get along quite well, many in both races preach that the other will ultimately have to be eliminated if theirs is ever to truly thrive. Most Dwarves have at lease some knowledge of the forge and geology. Many other races hire dwarves to construct battlements and run forging operations. The dwarven love of the forge is surpassed only by their love of finely-crafted weapons and armor. Such items are known throughout Realmz as the best craftsmen can make. Even though they dwell underground, few of the minions of the underdark harass dwarven strongholds. Dwarves are considered one of the most difficult of foes. Typical Dwarf: Height: 4 feet, 170 pounds Movement 10 Life span 500 - 800 years +1 to Strength, +1 to Constitution -1 to Karma, -1 to Dexterity +5% Magic Resistance -5% With Missile Weapons +5% With Two Handed Weapons Halflings: Halflings are odd folk indeed. They are well liked by most races and yet they tend to shun contact with all but their own. They resemble elves in build but are much shorter, growing to about only three feet in height. Elves are quick of body but appear sluggish when compared to halflings who amaze other races with demonstrations of speed and agility. They dwell in pleasant dwellings in remote areas and seldom leave home to adventure. Typical Halfling: Height: 3 feet, 80 pounds Movement 14 Life span 200 - 250 years +2 To Luck, +1 to Dexterity -1 To Strength +6% Magic Resistance +10% With Missile Weapons -10% With Two Handed Weapons Gnomes: Just as halflings resemble small elves, gnomes resemble small dwarves. Many other races would find it difficult to tell the two apart if gnomes were build slightly stockier. Gnomes are extremely intelligent and curious. They almost always dwell underground but on occasion they are known to travel to the surface. Due to the fact that they are few in number and dwell underground, they are often the target of more hostile races. Their high intelligence gives them the edge in battle, as well as in avoiding it. They are not known for their skills of war, but few will attempt to defeat their well-planned defenses. Typical Gnome: Height: 3 1/2 feet, 110 pounds Movement 12 Life span 1000 - 1250 years +1 to Intelligence -1 to Dexterity +4% Magic Resistance -5% With Missile Weapons +5% With Two Handed Weapons Orcs: Orcs are large, brutish and none too bright. They are, however, strong and easily manipulated by more intelligent races. Orcs are known to live above and below ground, and are satisfied with the most meager of possessions. Their large size makes them fierce warriors, if nothing else. Often they are employed by others as mercenaries, for they can be bought with the promise of food or other simple items which most others would consider of little value. Though they are gruff and not well liked by most races, they are tolerated for one very good reason. It is often unwise to upset an orc, for they are a very populous race and any given orc has many relatives. Typical Orc: Height: 6 1/2 feet, 220 pounds Movement 13 Life span 50 - 80 years +2 to Strength, +1 to Constitution -1 to Intelligence, -1 to Dexterity, -2 to Karma -5% With Missile Weapons +10% With Two Handed Weapons Half-Elf: Strangely enough, elves, being the longest lived of the mortal races, may only have offspring with one other race other than their own: humans, one of the shortest lived. Seldom is such a child born to a willing mother, however, as more often than not, the child is the product of some vile act done unto the mother from some evil-doer. Half-elves are shunned by both races, but tolerated. It is the Elves' love of life that prevents the mother from allowing any harm to befall the child, but on the child's 20th birthday they are almost always driven away. Half-elves lead a solitary and lonely life. They share benefits from both races, for they live upwards of 250 years and tend to be physically stronger than true elves. Typical Half-Elf: Height: 6 feet, 150 pounds Movement 12 Life span 150 - 250 years +1 to Dexterity -1 to Luck +2% Magic Resistance Half-Orcs: Half-orcs are about as low on the social scale as one can get. Even lower than full blooded orcs. They are a cross of Orc and almost anything else. Orcs are not known for being picky about what they breed with. Most half-orcs die shortly after birth but a few survive. Many are quite intelligent for they seem to receive a fit body from the orc line and the Intelligence from the other blood line. Since almost anything (save goblins) are more intelligent than orcs, they would be better off if not for the fact of their low social standing. Typical Half-Orc: Height: 6 feet, 180 pounds Movement 12 Life span 70 - 90 years +1 to Strength, +1 to Constitution -1 to Dexterity, -1 to Karma, -1 to Luck Minimum Attributes by Race * All other bonuses or penalties apply after these minimums. Class Strength Intelligence Wisdom Dexterity Constitution Karma Human 6 _ _ _ 5 _ Drow Elf _ 8 _ 7 5 8 Elf _ 8 _ 7 5 8 Orc 9 _ _ _ 15 _ Halfling 6 6 _ 8 10 _ Gnome 6 7 _ _ 8 _ Dwarf 8 _ _ _ 12 _ Half-Elf 5 4 _ _ 5 _ Half-Orc 6 _ _ _ 13 _ Religion A PC's religion is an indicator of how he views the world in general and how he holds his place in it. Lawful PCs view the world as more important than themselves. The phrase "The good of the many outweighs the good of the few" comes to mind. Neutral PCs view both the world and their own self-benefit as equally important. Chaotic PCs view their own benefit as the deciding factor in all actions they make. Good PCs view justice and morality as their principles and will try to abide by them whenever possible. Neutral PCs tend to judge each situation according to the current circumstances. Evil PCs tend to be malicious, and often act without regard to the suffering inflicted on others.